Monday, 17 March 2008

Happy Birthday Nida'

It seem to be so long time, this blog not been updated. Biasalah.. sibuk2.. kadang2, life kat uk ni tidak memberi ruang for liesure time secukupnya. Walaubagaimanapun, we never forget to celebrate our children's birthday. Last 2 weeks, on the 25th of February 2008, we celebreted our firth daughter's birthday. Again, it was a small party just among the family member. Sorry ler, tak sempat nak jemput yang lainnyer. huhu. Actually, that is one of our family's activity in our yearly plan. We celebrate each of everyone of us birthday.

Happy Birthday to Nida'.


Nur Nasywa's Family said...

laaa....awat tak habag kami...bleh bg present...hehehe...nway, happy belated birthday for Nida...moga dipanjangkan umur, dilimpahkan rezeki serta diberikan kesihatan yang baik...amin

norshazwani othman said...


huhu...update pun blog..hehe..nida asik tny bila nak praktis nyanyi je..hehhehe

Anonymous said...


happy belated besday from m.cik zahrah and family!!sorry x dak present...baguih betoi umi ngan abi dia...fair nad square!!celebrate besday anak pun samer jer....memang x der beza mcm nasuha dulu...baguih2...baru la tak jeles-menjeles kan??hi...hi...pe2 pun semoga nida' menjadi kak long yang solehah!!penyejuk mata umi ngan abi!!contoh pd adik2..."indah dlm kebersamaan"